Thursday 7 May 2009

Comment on -Jas uppal
Hey jas I totally agree teenagers having babies is like a new trend these days, I know so many people that I went to school with who are pregnant or have had children it’s ridiculous.

Comment on -who loves orange soda
Agree smoking is so bad can’t understand why people would want to smoke suppose they have their own reasons I can’t stand the smell of it either so may health risks which are associated with smoking.

Comment on “you don’t see a damn thing cause you can’t relate to me”
shoplifting is bad but then again we don’t know the reason why people shoplift some people do it for fun which is wrong but some people have families to feed and with the credit crunch going on there’s more of a chance people shoplifting.

Comment on- Lucy
I 100% agree bullying is so wrong especially the bullying that takes place in school its purely cruel people don’t understand how the person felt when they are being bullied but I suppose it makes people more stronger in the end.

Comment on munjus blog of being bad.
I agree there are many bad reasons for having tattoos but most people do get them for symbolic reasons that are true such as their religious symbol and stuff so in that way they are good.

Comment on my blog for being bad
I really don’t understand why people would binge drink to the point they don’t remember anything it’s so dangerous especially for women they could get raped kidnapped anything and no one will ever know it’s so wrong.


Racism is a very harsh and negative matter which lives in every society no matter how hard we try racism will always occur and can never get fully rid of the issue. many people may have negative feelings to such things due to their experiences such as if a woman is robbed by someone of a specific ethnicity the chances are she will produce negative feelings for all teh people that belong to that ethnicity. Although the term racism usually denotes race-based prejudice, violence, discrimination, or oppression, the term can also have varying and hotly contested definitions. Racialism is a related term, sometimes intended to avoid these negative meanings. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each racial group possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being either superior or inferior to another racial group or racial groups.


Stealing is a very bad thing, it can be done in a number of ways such as stealing from a store and shop, stealing from your parents or even robbing a bank is known as stealing. many people may steal for a number of reasons such as poverty may result in someone having to steal in order to have some food, and the most recent example being the credit crunch. When a person takes something that belongs to somebody else without permission, that is stealing. The stolen object can be as small as a piece of candy or as big as a car. It can be taken from someone a person knows or from a stranger. It can be taken from a store, a kind of stealing called shoplifting, or from someone's home. But either way, it's stealing.

Wednesday 6 May 2009


There are many different type of rapists out there that may be catergorised in many caterogaries. They are:
1. Power Assertive

2. Anger retaliation

3. The Power-reassurance rapist or Opportunity Rapist

4. The Anger excitement rapist or Sadistic Rapist

5. Juvenile Sex Offenders

6. Women Offenders
The Power Assertive rapist is the type who will claim to have a weapon but will only use it to ensure the victim's cooperation. With 44% of all rapes falling under this category it is the most common of all forms of rape.


Even though there are many dangers in having piercings done on your body more and more people seem to be getting them done. Piercings have never been socially frowned upon depending on where the piercings are, for example ear piercing is seen to be normal however there was a time when only women got their ears pierced now boys and men get their ears pierced. Body piercing, like tattooing, has become appealing to some teens. Pierced eyebrows, belly buttons, lips, tongues, noses — and multiple earrings — have become common.
Some people think a lot of piercings make you look ugly — even repulsive. Others say body piercing can give you serious diseases, some of which may not show up for years. Others say there are no dangers.

Tuesday 5 May 2009


Is swearing bad language?
BBC guidelines say:
"language that causes most offence includes
sexual swearwords,
terms of racist abuse,
terms of sexual and sexist abuse or abuse referring to sexuality,
pejorative terms relating to illness or disabilities,
casual or derogatory use of holy names or religious words,
words for defecation
Swearing is said to have started as "a form of 'word magic', connected to religion, in early civilisations. People were more likely to believe in divine beings who had the power to punish them. So people called on divine beings in order to curse people they didn't like.


Speeding by UK motorists is a deeply serious cultural problem which is not taken seriously enough by road users, Road Safety Minister Lord Whitty has said.
Lord Whitty said the offence should be regarded in the same light as drinking and driving.
But he said many people considered speeding to be no more serious than not having a television licence.
The government is reviewing speed limits and ways of enforcing them more effectively.

Monday 4 May 2009


Most people think that alcohol is fairly harmless and just something to be enjoyed. Other than a few ill-effects the next day and maybe putting on a bit of extra weight, alcohol does not seem to have any long lasting effects.
But alcohol can cause harm. Each year in the UK 150,000 people are admitted to hospital and 22,000 people die prematurely due to alcohol related causes. That death toll works out as 400 people every day. The cost to society has been estimated at over £20 billion.

Teenage pregnancy

A teen pregnancy is technically a pregnancy experienced by a young woman or couple in the teenaged years, between 13 and 19 years of age. For statistical purposes there may be a division made between the pregnancies of under-16 year olds and under-19 years old, and sometimes pregnancies experienced by those as young as 11 year olds are considered teenage pregnancies.

Thursday 23 April 2009


Abortion is a delicate topic which is very intersting and there are many different opinions which are connected with abortion. However times have changed completley abortion was seen as socially unacceptable in the past however abortion nowadays seems to be the norm. Especially with the increase on teenage pregnancies.


Drugs is seen as bad behaviour and is socially unaccepted however this problem is on an increase everywhere and has been increasing, however now it is far more common to take drugs than it was in the past and above all drugs are far more easier to access. There are many different ways this problem can be tackled however there is still not a right wat to solve this problem. The main issue about drugs is that people can easily get addicted to them.

Tuesday 21 April 2009


Times have changed now people in the past thought tattoos are a disgrace and shouldn't be allowed but nowadays tattoos are socially acceptable where as they were frowned upon, but now having a tattoo is very common and is the norm even though some people still disagree for example religion plays a big part in having a tattoo but most people still go ahead and get a tattoo.


Everyone lies whether your a child, and adult or even elderly even if its a small lie or a major one. Small lie would be i didnt eat your cake and a majot lie would saying you haven't cheated on your partner even though you have. Some people do not lie, even if they could get away with it. This seemingly innocuous fact poses important economic implications. Most fundamentally, it means that economic interactions do not always need to be mediated by binding contracts, which are sometimes difficult, if not impossible, to write, monitor and enforce.

Wednesday 18 March 2009


Masterbation is a form of sexual pleasure which is taken upon by both males and females however it is mostly taken upon by males. It is similar to the same feeling of having sex therefore it is very common for males and females to take upon this act. Manual erotic stimulation of the genitals, often to orgasm, either by oneself or a partner.


Another word for infedility is known as cheating such as when a husband has an affair which basically means he has or is cheating on his wife/partner. Infidelity is a commonly thought of as a breach of faith, and can occur in a number of contexts (e.g., in religious contexts). Also called cheating, it is considered as 'any violation of the mutually agreed-upon rules or boundaries of a relationship'. What constitutes an act of infidelity varies between and within cultures. It does not necessarily depend on the presence of sexual behavior. Even within a close relationship, people might have very different ideas and perceptions of infidelity.

Thursday 26 February 2009


Smoking is something which is really common nowadays, many people smoke from various age groups, from teenagers to adults. Recently there has been a band on where the public are allowed to smoke, for example individuals are not allowed to smoke in pubs anymore even though up until recently you could this shows the positive steps which are being taken in order to help this problem of smoking. There are also many health risks which are involved with smoking. Cigarettes contain more than 4000 chemical compounds and at least 400 toxic substances. When you inhale, a cigarette burns at 700°C at the tip and around 60°C in the core. This heat breaks down the tobacco to produce various toxins. As a cigarette burns, the residues are concentrated towards the butt. The products that are most damaging are: tar, a carcinogen (substance that causes cancer)
nicotine is addictive and increases cholesterol levels in your body carbon monoxide reduces oxygen in the body components of the gas and particulate phases cause
chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD).The damage caused by smoking is influenced by: the number of cigarettes smoked whether the cigarette has a filter how the tobacco has been prepared. Research has shown that smoking reduces life expectancy by seven to eight years. Of the 300 people who die every day in the UK as a result of smoking, many are comparatively young smokers. The number of people under the age of 70 who die from smoking-related diseases exceeds the total figure for deaths caused by breast cancer, AIDS, traffic accidents and drug addiction. Another factor which has risen to mind is about passive smoking and the effects passive smoking have on people. This is also a rising concern for people, who inhale passive smoking. The 'side-stream' smoke that comes off a cigarette between puffs carries a higher risk than directly inhaled smoke.Children who grow up in a home where one or both of their parents smoke have twice the risk of getting asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. They also have a higher risk of developing allergies.Infants under two years old are more prone to severe respiratory infections and cot death. For adults, passive smoking seems to increase the risk of lung cancer, but the evidence for an increased risk of heart disease is not yet conclusive. Below is a list of some of the diseases which are caused by smoking. lung cancer, heart disease, other cancers, sexual problems and fertility.

Thursday 12 February 2009

What I would like to do.

For week 12 we should do a session on alcohol. we should do this topic as it is a rising concern for young children and teenagers drinking.