Thursday 7 May 2009

Comment on -Jas uppal
Hey jas I totally agree teenagers having babies is like a new trend these days, I know so many people that I went to school with who are pregnant or have had children it’s ridiculous.

Comment on -who loves orange soda
Agree smoking is so bad can’t understand why people would want to smoke suppose they have their own reasons I can’t stand the smell of it either so may health risks which are associated with smoking.

Comment on “you don’t see a damn thing cause you can’t relate to me”
shoplifting is bad but then again we don’t know the reason why people shoplift some people do it for fun which is wrong but some people have families to feed and with the credit crunch going on there’s more of a chance people shoplifting.

Comment on- Lucy
I 100% agree bullying is so wrong especially the bullying that takes place in school its purely cruel people don’t understand how the person felt when they are being bullied but I suppose it makes people more stronger in the end.

Comment on munjus blog of being bad.
I agree there are many bad reasons for having tattoos but most people do get them for symbolic reasons that are true such as their religious symbol and stuff so in that way they are good.

Comment on my blog for being bad
I really don’t understand why people would binge drink to the point they don’t remember anything it’s so dangerous especially for women they could get raped kidnapped anything and no one will ever know it’s so wrong.

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